Foil Hat Racing Instagram

Dont forget to wear your foil hats for the next one people!


Dont forget to wear your foil hats for the next one people!


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Another great Toys for Tots ride on the books. A big thank you to everyone who came out despite the conditions!! A special shout out to the police officers from multiple departments, the retired officers and veterans out there today. #toysfortots #hannumshd #bikesbuiltbetter

Another great Toys for Tots ride on the books. A big thank you to everyone who came out despite the conditions!! A special shout out to the police officers from multiple departments, the retired officers and veterans out there today. #toysfortots #hannumshd #bikesbuiltbetter ...

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Significant front end upgrade... cartridge fork! From basic repairs, UPGRADEDS that WOW or upgrades you never never even see but totally change the bike! #ledgendsuspension #bikesbuiltbetter #foilhatracing

Significant front end upgrade... cartridge fork! From basic repairs, UPGRADEDS that WOW or upgrades you never never even see but totally change the bike! #ledgendsuspension #bikesbuiltbetter #foilhatracing ...

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Gt 500 x2 #springmotormania #injectionconnection #bikesbuiltbetter

Gt 500 x2 #springmotormania #injectionconnection #bikesbuiltbetter ...

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Dashboard #renegaderv #renegadervlife #verona40VRB #foilhatracing

Dashboard #renegaderv #renegadervlife #verona40VRB #foilhatracing ...

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#springmotormania #boneheadperformance #bikesbuiltbetter #injectionconnection

#springmotormania #boneheadperformance #bikesbuiltbetter #injectionconnection ...

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